Friday, May 6, 2011

Folytatása következik

Következő indiai utazásunk történetét az és a oldalon kísérheted figyelemmel.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Valami hianyzott We missed something

Igazi turista kozpontban lakunk. Ettermek tele feherekkel, plazak, stb. Arrebb setaltunk picit es ujra megtalaltuk a mi Indiankat. :) Amikor egy honappal ezelott megerkeztunk Bombaybe, nagyon ijeszto volt a kornyezet. Most, a korutunk vegen mar keresnunk kellet az IGAZI Indiat itt, amit a turista negyedet elhagyva a piacon megtalaltunk. Mellesleg a vilag masodik legdragabb varosaban sikerult 20 rupiaert megvacsoraznunk, ami nincs 100 Ft...

We are staying in a real turists' district. The restaurants are full of whites, there are shopping malls etc. We took a walk and a bit further away we found our real India :) When a month before we arrived here it felt very frightening. Now at the end of our round trip we had to look for the REAL India which we found at the market out of the touristic place. By the way we managed to have dinner in the world's second most expensive city for 20 rupees which is less than 100 HUF (0.35 EUR)...

Mc delivery

Mumbai (Bombay)

Bombay, India kapuja. Mar csak egy napunk maradt ebben a varazslatos orszagban. 16 orat vonatoztunk, most kivetelesen nagyon jol aludtam. Neha azert jol jonne egy " No thanks, REALLY!" feliratos polo... :)

Bombay, Gate of India. Only one day left for us in this incredible country. We travelled 16 hours by train. This time I could sleep well. Sometimes a t-shirt with 'No thanks, REALLY' sign would be very helpful.