Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ashamed European

In the afternoon we had to visit the beach at Candolim, because there is a shipwreck - Laci is a maniac. After that we visited a pub/restaurant and had a beer, a coconut fenny (palinka) and a stuffed papad (hmmmm). Since we didn't have enough money Laci had to get back to Bettina's place and bring some. After say 15 mins the waiter came to me and told me, that if we don't have enough money than he can pay our bill from his pocket and tomorrow we will give it back to him. I was like WOW what the fuck... this would not happen in Hungary.


  1. i like!! :)

    PS: i don't know about Hungary, but it happened to me in south Italy and of course - balkan countries ;) so, there still is some hope for Europe, hihi...hugs, take care & enjoy!
    PSS: great pics!

  2. Leonka :) thats why we are in your country in every two weeks hehehehe Slovenia is our second home you know!
