Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Valami hianyzott We missed something

Igazi turista kozpontban lakunk. Ettermek tele feherekkel, plazak, stb. Arrebb setaltunk picit es ujra megtalaltuk a mi Indiankat. :) Amikor egy honappal ezelott megerkeztunk Bombaybe, nagyon ijeszto volt a kornyezet. Most, a korutunk vegen mar keresnunk kellet az IGAZI Indiat itt, amit a turista negyedet elhagyva a piacon megtalaltunk. Mellesleg a vilag masodik legdragabb varosaban sikerult 20 rupiaert megvacsoraznunk, ami nincs 100 Ft...

We are staying in a real turists' district. The restaurants are full of whites, there are shopping malls etc. We took a walk and a bit further away we found our real India :) When a month before we arrived here it felt very frightening. Now at the end of our round trip we had to look for the REAL India which we found at the market out of the touristic place. By the way we managed to have dinner in the world's second most expensive city for 20 rupees which is less than 100 HUF (0.35 EUR)...

Mc delivery

Mumbai (Bombay)

Bombay, India kapuja. Mar csak egy napunk maradt ebben a varazslatos orszagban. 16 orat vonatoztunk, most kivetelesen nagyon jol aludtam. Neha azert jol jonne egy " No thanks, REALLY!" feliratos polo... :)

Bombay, Gate of India. Only one day left for us in this incredible country. We travelled 16 hours by train. This time I could sleep well. Sometimes a t-shirt with 'No thanks, REALLY' sign would be very helpful.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tortenet a 127-es buszrol

Majdnem haromnegyed orat vartunk a 127-es buszra. Vegre elokerult az idogepbol a kozel 40 eves, Leyland licensz alapjan gyartott, ipari szemelyszallito. A tomeggel egeszen a kozepeig jutottunk, amikor a busz masik vegen allo neger fiuval talalkozott a tekintetem. Igazi neger fiu, afrikabol. Ahogy meglatott, V betut mutatott az ujjaival, mosolygott es elindult felenk. Indiaban mar mi is testvernek szamitunk! Vicces volt, ahogy a massagunk eltorpult a helyi viszonyok mellet. Nigeriabol jott ide tanulni. Erdekes, hogy a kulfoldiek osszetartasa atlepi a borszint... Felejthetetlen pillanata volt ez az itt toltott egy honapnak.

Biryani Hyderabad

A varos hires etele. Atkozottul finom.
Igazi Basmati rizsbol (a rizsek kiralynoje). Talaltam 2cm hosszut is benne...
The most famous food of Hyderabad. Damn good. They use real Basmati rice (the queen of rice). I found 2cm long pieces...

Saturday, August 7, 2010

See you later Royal Enfield

Ma visszadtam a motort, fajt a bucsu. Semmi gond. Ani segit majd venni egyet Bangaloreban es elkuldi Magyarorszagra. Vagy hazamotorozunk egyutt. Igaz, Ani?:)

Today I gave back the bike. I am a little bit sad. No problem. Ani helps me to get one in Bangalore and to ship to Hungary. Or we will ride home together. Am I right Ani? :)

The roomboy

A szobafiut tegnap meginvitaltuk az erkelyunkre beszelgetni, rumos kolazni. Sokaig beszelgettunk. 24 eves gyerek, legmesszebb Pondyba utazott eleteben (110 km). Erdeklodessel hallgatta europai torteneteinket. Zenet hallgattunk, remekul telt az ido. Kiderult, hogy amiota itt dolgozik mi vagyunk a masodik vendeg, aki szoba allt vele...
Reggel elment es hozott nekunk reggelit. Este pedig a foton lathato vacsorat tette le az asztalunkra. Penzt nem fogadott el.

Yesterday we invited the roomboy to our balcony to have a chat and drink rum & coke. We were talking till midnight. He's 24 and the furthest he travelled in his life was 110 km away to Pondy. He was curiously listening to our European stories. We was listening music and had a great time. He told us that we are the second guests who speak to him... In the morning he brought us breakfast. In the evening served the the dinner that you can see on the picture. Said that this is present for his friends.

Mamallapuram pub

Az egyetlen italbolt\kocsma a kornyeken. Etteremben is van sor, csak dupla aron. Az orszaguton van, csak gepjarmuvel lehet megkozeliteni... Hehe

The one and only liqueur shop\pub in the neighbourhood. They sell beer in some restaurants as well but on double price. The shop is on the 'highway' as they call it, so can only be reached by a vehicle.


No comment :)

Mamallapuram restaurant 2

A vodrok

The buckets :)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Mamallapuram restaurant

Eddigi legdurvabb ettermi elmenyunk. Eldugott etterem a buszallomason. Kiraktak egy bananlevelet elenk es vodorbol rakanalaztak az etelt. A rizs egy talban jott. A kaja meses volt! 60 Rs (280 Ft) volt a szamla ami tartalmazott egy uveg vizet is (15 Rs) :)

The most serious restaurant experience so far. The guy dropped one banana leaf onto the table and the food came from buckets. The lunch was fabulous. The bill was 1 EUR one bottle water included. :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mamallapuram (Tamil Nadu)

This area is a school for young sculptors. Every second man is a sculptor. :)

Ez a terulet a fiatal szobraszok iskolaja. Minden masodik ember szobrasz. :)

In India everything is possible Indiaban minden lehetseges

I bought genuine licence plates... 160 Rs, 30 minutes... (2,5 EUR)

Vettem eredeti rendszamtablakat. Fel ora alatt elkeszult. Kb 600 Forint volt. Elkepeszto....

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Anyu! Hazaertunk! Jol vagyunk!

Most mar elarulom, hogy a motoros ember fel oran keresztul probalt bukosisakot keriteni nekunk. Nem sikerult. Errefele nem sokan hasznaljak... :

Talaltunk egy soleparlot Piranska sol :)


Megerkeztunk Pondicherrybe. 110 km-re van delre Mamallapuramtol, ahol lakunk. Termeszetesen motorral jottunk. Huhh... Indiaban motorozni nem egyszeru. Foleg akkor nem, ha egy 70 eves konstrukcioval (kb 200 kg) kell haladni a forgatagban. Minden elismeresem Vikie. Hosiesen vette az akadalyt.

We have arrived at Pondicherry which is 110 km south from our place at Mamallapuram. Of course we came by bike. Huh... riding a bike is not easy in India. Given that its a 70 years old technology (200 kg). Viki was a real hero behind me :)

Lesantult a paripa (defekt) There is some leg problem with the prancing horse (flat tyre)